Sunday, March 11, 2012

I am TWOwentyyy! Part one

9th of March 2012

There's part 1 and part 2 because there are too many photos to cram into one blog post!

Venue: 你猜
Time: 你猜
Theme: 你猜猜猜

i'm abit delusional, it's 2 in the morning. just wanted to declare to the world that i shall remain 18 FOREVERRRR! wahahaha! i know turning 20 is not exactly old, but i love the number ONE in front of my age. now it's gone :(
i don't want to grow up! i don't want to grow old!
on the bright side, i got a BALLOON and a JELLY CAKE for my 20th birthday! made it seem like a kid's birthday party, but awesomer :D

pictures are in no chronological manner whatsoever.

to be continued...

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